Friday, May 20, 2011


My horoscope stated quite simply that May 15th, 2011 would be one of the most significant astrological days of my life. No babble or grey areas, this was the day that would define all days to follow (Unlike all those other useless days). I chose to believe/not believe and keep an eye out for telltale signs of destiny.

Coincidentally I decided to throw a small dinner this day (what I thought would be the last supper in the apartment before I moved but turned out to be the 3rd to last). This dinner reunited a few friends, introduced strangers and flirted with destiny. I was a few anchovies shy of a true vitello tonnato so when guests called asking what they could bring I asked for anchovies. Which on a Sunday in Vienna is akin to asking a whale for a match. Thank you bearers of the anchovies! Obviously the importance of May 15th can not be underestimated.

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