VARIETAS DELECTAT is Latin for 'pleasure in variety'. Above is the poster I made for the exhibition. Benedetta and I arrived a few days early to install and the gallery installed us in a convent. We did not know the gallerists before arriving in Graz but they certainly had our number! Peace, quiet and cleanliness.
Tim and I playing at the Wall Violin (Volcano), September 23, 2010
Pamelia playing Theremin at the opening.
Barbara the gallerist with Benedetta in foreground.
Pink string installation by Benedetta Jacovoni.
Galerie Grazy/Werkstadt Graz, Austria
Julie Ryan
Tamuna Sirbiladze
Benedetta Jacovoni
Theremin: Pamelia Kurstin
Wall Violin: Julie Ryan
Wall Violin: Timothy Dunin
Wall Violin VOLCANO on YouTube